'The sky is that beautiful old parchment wherein the sun and the moon keep their diaries'.
Alfred Kreymbora

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Skywatch Friday
May 27th, 2011

Similkameen Skies

In My Dreams

The rain streams over the windows
The river rises
and the hills disappear in the distance

For more spring skies visit here, at Skywatch Friday with many thanks to all who 
help maintain this fascinating meme

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Skywatch Friday
May 20th, 2011

A beautiful rosy five a.m. sky

followed by a perfectly arched rainbow. which I wasn't able to catch in its entirety, being out in the meadow in my nightie and the rainbow being almost overhead.

it was here one moment, and gone the next.  The skies turned grey and sulky and clouds hung dismally about the hills, but still a lovely way to start the day.

For more beautiful skies click here and fly across to Skywatch Friday, a great meme for which we are forever grateful.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Skywatch Friday
May 13th, 2011

Blue skies and blue reflections

at Ginty's Pond in the Similkameen

a perfect day

For more lovely skies visit here at Skywatch Friday.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Skywatch Friday
May 6th, 2011

Sunclipse, and time to turn on the lights in the old ramshackle birdhouse

For more pretty and spectacular skies visit here at Skywatch Friday,
 with thanks to those who maintain this wonderful meme.